Check out some recent interviews Jill had with Mediation Expert, Lori Frank on topics that affect our relationships, parenting and overall daily happiness and peace.
Let’s Just Be Honest
Part 1, Jill and Lori explore how we got “being mean” and “being honest” mixed up as well as tips to what we can do to be more honest with our loved ones.
Let’s Just Be Honest
In Part 2 of my discussion with Mediator, Lori Frank, we dive into the idea of honesty and we discuss how to deliver your truth in a way that makes it easier for someone to receive it.
Let’s Just Be Honest
In Part 3 we discuss how to listen to someone else's truth without getting angry or upset. This might the hardest skill of all! But well worth the effort and practice.
The Pain of Making Assumptions
Making assumptions about what other people are thinking often creates great pain for ourselves and distance in our relationships. Find out tools and strategies to free yourself of painful assumptions. In the process, find out more about Nonviolent Communication and how it can also help free you from assumptions and improve and strengthen your relationships.
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Awakening Within television show
Jill spent several seasons in the studio taping her show, Awakening Within, aired on CHCH Hamilton, where she and guests shared profound thoughts on things like understanding forgiveness, living in a state of trust and how effective communication skills contributes greatly to creating ease and peace in your life.