How to Help Your Children Find Their Path

As promised, I am continuing my 2021 Awakened Parenting podcasts by answering a question submitted to me by a parent.

Even though this challenge takes place in the context of a teenager’s present situation, I invite all parents, no matter what age, to listen to my suggestions and see if you can apply my tips to any challenge you might be having, no matter what the age or your child.

When you listen to my podcast, take one of my online parenting workshops or join the peaceful parenting program, you begin to realize that the skills and strategies I offer are about building a positive relationship with yourself and your child. Therefore, ultimately what I share is ageless. My tips can be used no matter if you have a preschooler, teenager, or adult child.

If you struggle in knowing how to support your child at making decisions that involve their lives and their future then you will want to listen in to this episode of Awakened Parenting.